MSI vs. The Stock Market
MSI vs. The Stock Market Investors have many decisions to make with their money. Assessing risk, taxes and diversification are just a few of the major considerations to factor into an overall strategy. And when [...]
Real Estate Investing Without Buying a Single Property
When investors look into investing in real estate, the first thing they think of is buying a property, fixing it up and either selling it for profit or renting it for income. While these [...]
Real Estate Investing in the Nation’s Capital is a Smart Move
Picking the right market for real estate investment is critical to your long-term success in accumulating capital. Having an established team that’s able to identify those markets is vital. Mistakes in selecting can mean [...]
Key Tips for a Profitable Fix and Flip
Can you make money flipping houses? The short answer is yes, and it can be fun and exciting and bring you significant returns when done properly. However, you need to understand the hot spots in your [...]
An Exclusive Invitation for Investor Insights Members
Did you know that FIVE of the Top 10 Richest Counties in the United States are located right here in the Washington D.C. region? And savvy investors are already capitalizing on the unprecedented wealth [...]
The Team You Need To Be A Successful Real Estate Investor
Building an efficient, experienced and effective team in real estate is crucial to ensure the success of your investment. Investors need to vet all professionals involved; wholesalers, realtors, analysts and contractors. Each partner takes a [...]
Washington DC Apartment Management Companies Simplify Your Business Model
Apartment Management Companies make life easier for real estate investors who specialize in acquiring multi-family and apartment complexes. By entrusting many of the management duties to apartment management companies is often the difference in keeping [...]
Leveraging Maryland Property Management Services for More Returns
Maryland Property Management Companies formed as LLCs, corporations, or alternative company entities, and specialize in making lucrative real estate investments and helping other real investors maximize their returns on investments are your ideal partner for [...]
Rental Management Companies Make Investor’s Life Easier
Rental Management Companies are an ideal way to delegate the landlord tasks you hate to a company that specializes in providing these services to investors. It's fun to collect rent, but that's the only job that's [...]
What You Need to Know About Property Management in Washington DC
For many Real Estate Investors who buy properties for rental purposes, the most challenging part of their job is making sure that all of their rental homes, apartments, and commercial properties get maintained properly. With [...]
The Argument for Washington DC Real Estate Investing
The primary reason why Washington DC real estate investing is so popular is because you'll earn money from your very first residual income streams month-after-month for years to come until the property sells to a new [...]
Real Estate Investors – Upgraded Bathrooms Are In High Demand
For many people, their bathroom is their oasis. It's a space that has to functional, and benefits from a good design. Since this is a center of activity in your day to day life an [...]
Tax Lien Foreclosure Offer Opportunities for Real Estate Investors
Real estate investors often have the opportunity to invest in tax lien foreclosure properties as a result of unpaid property taxes. As a general rule, homeowners are equally responsible for paying taxes as they are [...]
Investing in Alexandria Real Estate Is a Smart Business Decision
There is no doubt that building a successful portfolio of real estate investments is much easier to do when you're buying homes and properties that are in demand. We've found that Alexandria Real Estate offers [...]
Now Is the Perfect Time to Invest in Washington DC Real Estate
If you've been thinking about getting involved in real estate investing and you're considering what markets are solid bets going forward, you are well served to invest in Washington DC Real Estate. There has never [...]
Connect With Us! We Are REI Washington DC Area Professionals
If you are looking for REI Washington DC area real estate professionals with a competitive edge in this thriving market demographic, Millennium Strategic Investments works as your trusted partner in all aspects of the deal. [...]
Why We Love Real Estate Investments and You Should Too!
For many investors in the past few years, it's been easy to love their real estate investments. High returns, especially in "hot" parts of the country often happen, even for those who don't have a [...]
Simple Home Renovation Projects That Boost Investment Home Values
When you are a real estate investor, making smart and simple home improvements is the best way to boost investment home values. While each property you're dealing with will have it's unique requirements, here are [...]
Picking the Real Estate Investment That’s Right for You
People who are interested in building their wealth have found that Washington DC offers investors an abundance of real estate investment opportunities to build their portfolio. It's the one place in the country where everyone [...]
5 Secrets For Successfully Flipping a Home
If you've been thinking about getting started in real estate investing, the chances are good that you've heard a lot on the topic of flipping a home for a tidy profit after holding for a [...]
Preparing for the May Onslaught!
Welcome to your inaugural issue of Millennium Investor Insights! In each monthly letter, you’ll get an up close look at the trends that are impacting the real estate market in the Greater Washington, DC Metro area. We’ll share it all with you, including some insider tips and tricks to help you grow your real estate investing portfolio along the way.
15 Sports Quotes That Apply in Real Estate Investing
It's interesting that many famous quotes made about sports have a close correlation with real estate investing. Here are 15 of our favorite sports quotes that we feel apply to being successful in the real [...]
Metro DC Real Estate Asset Management Makes Dollars – and Sense!
There is no doubt that Washington DC area real estate is always a lucrative market for savvy real estate investors. If you are thinking about getting involved in this fast-paced real estate market, working with [...]
The Best Real Estate Investing Strategies Always Win
Have you ever thought about investing in real estate but put the idea to the wayside because you weren't sure where or how to get started? If you answered 'yes' to this question, you could [...]
Find the Best Investment Properties in Maryland
Individuals who want to build a solid real estate investment portfolio in the Metro DC area are well served to look for the best investment properties in Maryland as a way to build their base [...]