

    MSI vs. The Stock Market

    MSI vs. The Stock Market Investors have many decisions to make with their money. Assessing risk, taxes and diversification are just a few of the major considerations to factor into an overall strategy. And when their investments get too volatile or are underperforming, it’s time to consider alternatives. This is why we started Millennium Strategic [...]

    By | 2020-04-13T18:02:03+00:00 November 12th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

      Real Estate Investing Without Buying a Single Property

      When investors look into investing in real estate, the first thing they think of is buying a property, fixing it up and either selling it for profit or renting it for income. While these are excellent ways to profit from the real estate boom happening in the Washington, DC metro area, it’s not the [...]

      By | 2020-04-13T18:03:15+00:00 November 12th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

        Real Estate Investing in the Nation’s Capital is a Smart Move

        Picking the right market for real estate investment is critical to your long-term success in accumulating capital. Having an established team that’s able to identify those markets is vital. Mistakes in selecting can mean stagnant sales, price drops or even tax implications when you are forced to carry a property longer than you had [...]

        By | 2018-10-05T13:49:51+00:00 October 5th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

          Washington DC Apartment Management Companies Simplify Your Business Model

          Apartment Management Companies make life easier for real estate investors who specialize in acquiring multi-family and apartment complexes. By entrusting many of the management duties to apartment management companies is often the difference in keeping satisfied tenants and meeting all building and zoning requirements consistently. Here are some of the ways that Apartment Management Companies [...]

          By | 2020-04-13T18:05:12+00:00 August 28th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

          MSI’s mission, vision, and values are focused towards providing financial solutions for our client to achieve increased financial freedom through real estate investment.


          10045 Esteppe Drive
          Manassas, VA 20111
          Get Direction
          Phone: (800) 674-5363
          Fax: (703) 257-7004
          Email: Marcel@msiinvestments.net
          If you are a real estate investor seeking great opportunities and profitable returns, Millennium Strategic Investments specializes in laying the groundwork for lucrative real estate acquisitions in the Greater Washington, DC metropolitan area.
          If you are a real estate investor seeking great opportunities and profitable returns, Millennium Strategic Investments specializes in laying the groundwork for lucrative real estate acquisitions in the Greater Washington, DC metropolitan area.
          If you are a real estate investor seeking great opportunities and profitable returns, Millennium Strategic Investments specializes in laying the groundwork for lucrative real estate acquisitions in the Greater Washington, DC metropolitan area.
          Millennium Investor Insights!
          You'll get the competitive advantage you need to invest in real estate today.